changeset 555:48ab5a354772

Use vividchalk theme. Seems to work better with 16 colors.
author nanaya <>
date Sat, 25 Apr 2015 18:12:38 +0900
parents 135eb73da114
children 4190bd0b4456
files rc/vim-jellybeans rc/vim-vividchalk rc/vimrc setup
diffstat 4 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 572 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/rc/vim-jellybeans	Tue Apr 14 05:01:47 2015 +0900
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-"  "    __       _ _       _                             "
-"  "    \ \  ___| | |_   _| |__   ___  __ _ _ __  ___    "
-"  "     \ \/ _ \ | | | | |  _ \ / _ \/ _  |  _ \/ __|   "
-"  "  /\_/ /  __/ | | |_| | |_| |  __/ |_| | | | \__ \   "
-"  "  \___/ \___|_|_|\__  |____/ \___|\____|_| |_|___/   "
-"  "                 \___/                               "
-"         "A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim."
-" File:         jellybeans.vim
-" URL:
-" Scripts URL:
-" Maintainer:   NanoTech (
-" Version:      1.6~git
-" Last Change:  January 15th, 2012
-" License:      MIT
-" Contributors: Daniel Herbert (pocketninja)
-"               Henry So, Jr. <>
-"               David Liang <bmdavll at gmail dot com>
-"               Rich Healey (richo)
-"               Andrew Wong (w0ng)
-" Copyright (c) 2009-2012 NanoTech
-" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any per‐
-" son obtaining a copy of this software and associated doc‐
-" umentation  files  (the “Software”), to deal in the Soft‐
-" ware without restriction,  including  without  limitation
-" the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distrib‐
-" ute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,  and
-" to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
-" so, subject to the following conditions:
-" The above copyright notice  and  this  permission  notice
-" shall  be  included in all copies or substantial portions
-" of the Software.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let colors_name = "jellybeans"
-if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256
-  let s:low_color = 0
-  let s:low_color = 1
-" Color approximation functions by Henry So, Jr. and David Liang {{{
-" Added to jellybeans.vim by Daniel Herbert
-" returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level
-fun! s:grey_number(x)
-  if &t_Co == 88
-    if a:x < 23
-      return 0
-    elseif a:x < 69
-      return 1
-    elseif a:x < 103
-      return 2
-    elseif a:x < 127
-      return 3
-    elseif a:x < 150
-      return 4
-    elseif a:x < 173
-      return 5
-    elseif a:x < 196
-      return 6
-    elseif a:x < 219
-      return 7
-    elseif a:x < 243
-      return 8
-    else
-      return 9
-    endif
-  else
-    if a:x < 14
-      return 0
-    else
-      let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
-      let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
-      if l:m < 5
-        return l:n
-      else
-        return l:n + 1
-      endif
-    endif
-  endif
-" returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index
-fun! s:grey_level(n)
-  if &t_Co == 88
-    if a:n == 0
-      return 0
-    elseif a:n == 1
-      return 46
-    elseif a:n == 2
-      return 92
-    elseif a:n == 3
-      return 115
-    elseif a:n == 4
-      return 139
-    elseif a:n == 5
-      return 162
-    elseif a:n == 6
-      return 185
-    elseif a:n == 7
-      return 208
-    elseif a:n == 8
-      return 231
-    else
-      return 255
-    endif
-  else
-    if a:n == 0
-      return 0
-    else
-      return 8 + (a:n * 10)
-    endif
-  endif
-" returns the palette index for the given grey index
-fun! s:grey_color(n)
-  if &t_Co == 88
-    if a:n == 0
-      return 16
-    elseif a:n == 9
-      return 79
-    else
-      return 79 + a:n
-    endif
-  else
-    if a:n == 0
-      return 16
-    elseif a:n == 25
-      return 231
-    else
-      return 231 + a:n
-    endif
-  endif
-" returns an approximate color index for the given color level
-fun! s:rgb_number(x)
-  if &t_Co == 88
-    if a:x < 69
-      return 0
-    elseif a:x < 172
-      return 1
-    elseif a:x < 230
-      return 2
-    else
-      return 3
-    endif
-  else
-    if a:x < 75
-      return 0
-    else
-      let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
-      let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
-      if l:m < 20
-        return l:n
-      else
-        return l:n + 1
-      endif
-    endif
-  endif
-" returns the actual color level for the given color index
-fun! s:rgb_level(n)
-  if &t_Co == 88
-    if a:n == 0
-      return 0
-    elseif a:n == 1
-      return 139
-    elseif a:n == 2
-      return 205
-    else
-      return 255
-    endif
-  else
-    if a:n == 0
-      return 0
-    else
-      return 55 + (a:n * 40)
-    endif
-  endif
-" returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices
-fun! s:rgb_color(x, y, z)
-  if &t_Co == 88
-    return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
-  else
-    return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
-  endif
-" returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels
-fun! s:color(r, g, b)
-  " get the closest grey
-  let l:gx = s:grey_number(a:r)
-  let l:gy = s:grey_number(a:g)
-  let l:gz = s:grey_number(a:b)
-  " get the closest color
-  let l:x = s:rgb_number(a:r)
-  let l:y = s:rgb_number(a:g)
-  let l:z = s:rgb_number(a:b)
-  if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
-    " there are two possibilities
-    let l:dgr = s:grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
-    let l:dgg = s:grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
-    let l:dgb = s:grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
-    let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
-    let l:dr = s:rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
-    let l:dg = s:rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
-    let l:db = s:rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
-    let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
-    if l:dgrey < l:drgb
-      " use the grey
-      return s:grey_color(l:gx)
-    else
-      " use the color
-      return s:rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
-    endif
-  else
-    " only one possibility
-    return s:rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
-  endif
-" returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string
-fun! s:rgb(rgb)
-  let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0
-  let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0
-  let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0
-  return s:color(l:r, l:g, l:b)
-" sets the highlighting for the given group
-fun! s:X(group, fg, bg, attr, lcfg, lcbg)
-  if s:low_color
-    let l:fge = empty(a:lcfg)
-    let l:bge = empty(a:lcbg)
-    if !l:fge && !l:bge
-      exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=".a:lcfg." ctermbg=".a:lcbg
-    elseif !l:fge && l:bge
-      exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=".a:lcfg." ctermbg=NONE"
-    elseif l:fge && !l:bge
-      exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".a:lcbg
-    endif
-  else
-    let l:fge = empty(a:fg)
-    let l:bge = empty(a:bg)
-    if !l:fge && !l:bge
-      exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
-    elseif !l:fge && l:bge
-      exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=NONE ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=NONE"
-    elseif l:fge && !l:bge
-      exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=NONE guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
-    endif
-  endif
-  if a:attr == ""
-    exec "hi ".a:group." gui=none cterm=none"
-  else
-    let l:noitalic = join(filter(split(a:attr, ","), "v:val !=? 'italic'"), ",")
-    if empty(l:noitalic)
-      let l:noitalic = "none"
-    endif
-    exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=".l:noitalic
-  endif
-" }}}
-if !exists("g:jellybeans_background_color")
-  let g:jellybeans_background_color = "151515"
-call s:X("Normal","e8e8d3",g:jellybeans_background_color,"","White","")
-set background=dark
-if !exists("g:jellybeans_use_lowcolor_black") || g:jellybeans_use_lowcolor_black
-    let s:termBlack = "Black"
-    let s:termBlack = "Grey"
-if version >= 700
-  call s:X("CursorLine","","1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
-  call s:X("CursorColumn","","1c1c1c","","",s:termBlack)
-  call s:X("MatchParen","ffffff","556779","bold","","DarkCyan")
-  call s:X("TabLine","000000","b0b8c0","italic","",s:termBlack)
-  call s:X("TabLineFill","9098a0","","","",s:termBlack)
-  call s:X("TabLineSel","000000","f0f0f0","italic,bold",s:termBlack,"White")
-  " Auto-completion
-  call s:X("Pmenu","ffffff","606060","","White",s:termBlack)
-  call s:X("PmenuSel","101010","eeeeee","",s:termBlack,"White")
-call s:X("Visual","","404040","","",s:termBlack)
-call s:X("Cursor",g:jellybeans_background_color,"b0d0f0","","","")
-call s:X("LineNr","605958",g:jellybeans_background_color,"none",s:termBlack,"")
-call s:X("CursorLineNr","ccc5c4","","none","White","")
-call s:X("Comment","888888","","italic","Grey","")
-call s:X("Todo","c7c7c7","","bold","White",s:termBlack)
-call s:X("StatusLine","000000","dddddd","italic","","White")
-call s:X("StatusLineNC","ffffff","403c41","italic","White","Black")
-call s:X("VertSplit","777777","403c41","",s:termBlack,s:termBlack)
-call s:X("WildMenu","f0a0c0","302028","","Magenta","")
-call s:X("Folded","a0a8b0","384048","italic",s:termBlack,"")
-call s:X("FoldColumn","535D66","1f1f1f","","",s:termBlack)
-call s:X("SignColumn","777777","333333","","",s:termBlack)
-call s:X("ColorColumn","","000000","","",s:termBlack)
-call s:X("Title","70b950","","bold","Green","")
-call s:X("Constant","cf6a4c","","","Red","")
-call s:X("Special","799d6a","","","Green","")
-call s:X("Delimiter","668799","","","Grey","")
-call s:X("String","99ad6a","","","Green","")
-call s:X("StringDelimiter","556633","","","DarkGreen","")
-call s:X("Identifier","c6b6ee","","","LightCyan","")
-call s:X("Structure","8fbfdc","","","LightCyan","")
-call s:X("Function","fad07a","","","Yellow","")
-call s:X("Statement","8197bf","","","DarkBlue","")
-call s:X("PreProc","8fbfdc","","","LightBlue","")
-hi! link Operator Structure
-call s:X("Type","ffb964","","","Yellow","")
-call s:X("NonText","606060",g:jellybeans_background_color,"",s:termBlack,"")
-call s:X("SpecialKey","444444","1c1c1c","",s:termBlack,"")
-call s:X("Search","f0a0c0","302028","underline","Magenta","")
-call s:X("Directory","dad085","","","Yellow","")
-call s:X("ErrorMsg","","902020","","","DarkRed")
-hi! link Error ErrorMsg
-hi! link MoreMsg Special
-call s:X("Question","65C254","","","Green","")
-" Spell Checking
-call s:X("SpellBad","","902020","underline","","DarkRed")
-call s:X("SpellCap","","0000df","underline","","Blue")
-call s:X("SpellRare","","540063","underline","","DarkMagenta")
-call s:X("SpellLocal","","2D7067","underline","","Green")
-" Diff
-hi! link diffRemoved Constant
-hi! link diffAdded String
-" VimDiff
-call s:X("DiffAdd","D2EBBE","437019","","White","DarkGreen")
-call s:X("DiffDelete","40000A","700009","","DarkRed","DarkRed")
-call s:X("DiffChange","","2B5B77","","White","DarkBlue")
-call s:X("DiffText","8fbfdc","000000","reverse","Yellow","")
-" PHP
-hi! link phpFunctions Function
-call s:X("StorageClass","c59f6f","","","Red","")
-hi! link phpSuperglobal Identifier
-hi! link phpQuoteSingle StringDelimiter
-hi! link phpQuoteDouble StringDelimiter
-hi! link phpBoolean Constant
-hi! link phpNull Constant
-hi! link phpArrayPair Operator
-hi! link phpOperator Normal
-hi! link phpRelation Normal
-hi! link phpVarSelector Identifier
-" Python
-hi! link pythonOperator Statement
-" Ruby
-hi! link rubySharpBang Comment
-call s:X("rubyClass","447799","","","DarkBlue","")
-call s:X("rubyIdentifier","c6b6fe","","","Cyan","")
-hi! link rubyConstant Type
-hi! link rubyFunction Function
-call s:X("rubyInstanceVariable","c6b6fe","","","Cyan","")
-call s:X("rubySymbol","7697d6","","","Blue","")
-hi! link rubyGlobalVariable rubyInstanceVariable
-hi! link rubyModule rubyClass
-call s:X("rubyControl","7597c6","","","Blue","")
-hi! link rubyString String
-hi! link rubyStringDelimiter StringDelimiter
-hi! link rubyInterpolationDelimiter Identifier
-call s:X("rubyRegexpDelimiter","540063","","","Magenta","")
-call s:X("rubyRegexp","dd0093","","","DarkMagenta","")
-call s:X("rubyRegexpSpecial","a40073","","","Magenta","")
-call s:X("rubyPredefinedIdentifier","de5577","","","Red","")
-" Erlang
-hi! link erlangAtom rubySymbol
-hi! link erlangBIF rubyPredefinedIdentifier
-hi! link erlangFunction rubyPredefinedIdentifier
-hi! link erlangDirective Statement
-hi! link erlangNode Identifier
-" JavaScript
-hi! link javaScriptValue Constant
-hi! link javaScriptRegexpString rubyRegexp
-" CoffeeScript
-hi! link coffeeRegExp javaScriptRegexpString
-" Lua
-hi! link luaOperator Conditional
-" C
-hi! link cFormat Identifier
-hi! link cOperator Constant
-" Objective-C/Cocoa
-hi! link objcClass Type
-hi! link cocoaClass objcClass
-hi! link objcSubclass objcClass
-hi! link objcSuperclass objcClass
-hi! link objcDirective rubyClass
-hi! link objcStatement Constant
-hi! link cocoaFunction Function
-hi! link objcMethodName Identifier
-hi! link objcMethodArg Normal
-hi! link objcMessageName Identifier
-" Vimscript
-hi! link vimOper Normal
-hi! link htmlTag Statement
-hi! link htmlEndTag htmlTag
-hi! link htmlTagName htmlTag
-" XML
-hi! link xmlTag Statement
-hi! link xmlEndTag xmlTag
-hi! link xmlTagName xmlTag
-hi! link xmlEqual xmlTag
-hi! link xmlEntity Special
-hi! link xmlEntityPunct xmlEntity
-hi! link xmlDocTypeDecl PreProc
-hi! link xmlDocTypeKeyword PreProc
-hi! link xmlProcessingDelim xmlAttrib
-" Debugger.vim
-call s:X("DbgCurrent","DEEBFE","345FA8","","White","DarkBlue")
-call s:X("DbgBreakPt","","4F0037","","","DarkMagenta")
-" vim-indent-guides
-if !exists("g:indent_guides_auto_colors")
-  let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
-call s:X("IndentGuidesOdd","","232323","","","")
-call s:X("IndentGuidesEven","","1b1b1b","","","")
-" Plugins, etc.
-hi! link TagListFileName Directory
-call s:X("PreciseJumpTarget","B9ED67","405026","","White","Green")
-if !exists("g:jellybeans_background_color_256")
-  let g:jellybeans_background_color_256=233
-" Manual overrides for 256-color terminals. Dark colors auto-map badly.
-if !s:low_color
-  hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=235
-  hi Folded ctermbg=236
-  hi FoldColumn ctermbg=234
-  hi SignColumn ctermbg=236
-  hi CursorColumn ctermbg=234
-  hi CursorLine ctermbg=234
-  hi SpecialKey ctermbg=234
-  exec "hi NonText ctermbg=".g:jellybeans_background_color_256
-  exec "hi LineNr ctermbg=".g:jellybeans_background_color_256
-  hi DiffText ctermfg=81
-  exec "hi Normal ctermbg=".g:jellybeans_background_color_256
-  hi DbgBreakPt ctermbg=53
-  hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=235
-  hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=234
-if exists("g:jellybeans_overrides")
-  fun! s:load_colors(defs)
-    for [l:group, l:v] in items(a:defs)
-      call s:X(l:group, get(l:v, 'guifg', ''), get(l:v, 'guibg', ''),
-      \                 get(l:v, 'attr', ''),
-      \                 get(l:v, 'ctermfg', ''), get(l:v, 'ctermbg', ''))
-      if !s:low_color
-        for l:prop in ['ctermfg', 'ctermbg']
-          let l:override_key = '256'.l:prop
-          if has_key(l:v, l:override_key)
-            exec "hi ".l:group." ".l:prop."=".l:v[l:override_key]
-          endif
-        endfor
-      endif
-      unlet l:group
-      unlet l:v
-    endfor
-  endfun
-  call s:load_colors(g:jellybeans_overrides)
-  delf s:load_colors
-" delete functions {{{
-delf s:X
-delf s:rgb
-delf s:color
-delf s:rgb_color
-delf s:rgb_level
-delf s:rgb_number
-delf s:grey_color
-delf s:grey_level
-delf s:grey_number
-" }}}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc/vim-vividchalk	Sat Apr 25 18:12:38 2015 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         vividchalk.vim
+" Author:       Tim Pope <>
+" Version:      2.0
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1891 1 :AutoInstall: vividchalk.vim
+" Based on the Vibrank Ink theme for TextMate
+" Distributable under the same terms as Vim itself (see :help license)
+if has("gui_running")
+    set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+   syntax reset
+let colors_name = "vividchalk"
+" First two functions adapted from inkpot.vim
+" map a urxvt cube number to an xterm-256 cube number
+fun! s:M(a)
+    return strpart("0245", a:a, 1) + 0
+" map a urxvt colour to an xterm-256 colour
+fun! s:X(a)
+    if &t_Co == 88
+        return a:a
+    else
+        if a:a == 8
+            return 237
+        elseif a:a < 16
+            return a:a
+        elseif a:a > 79
+            return 232 + (3 * (a:a - 80))
+        else
+            let l:b = a:a - 16
+            let l:x = l:b % 4
+            let l:y = (l:b / 4) % 4
+            let l:z = (l:b / 16)
+            return 16 + s:M(l:x) + (6 * s:M(l:y)) + (36 * s:M(l:z))
+        endif
+    endif
+function! E2T(a)
+    return s:X(a:a)
+function! s:choose(mediocre,good)
+    if &t_Co != 88 && &t_Co != 256
+        return a:mediocre
+    else
+        return s:X(a:good)
+    endif
+function! s:hifg(group,guifg,first,second,...)
+    if a:0 && &t_Co == 256
+        let ctermfg = a:1
+    else
+        let ctermfg = s:choose(a:first,a:second)
+    endif
+    exe "highlight ".a:group." guifg=".a:guifg." ctermfg=".ctermfg
+function! s:hibg(group,guibg,first,second)
+    let ctermbg = s:choose(a:first,a:second)
+    exe "highlight ".a:group." guibg=".a:guibg." ctermbg=".ctermbg
+hi link railsMethod         PreProc
+hi link rubyDefine          Keyword
+hi link rubySymbol          Constant
+hi link rubyAccess          rubyMethod
+hi link rubyAttribute       rubyMethod
+hi link rubyEval            rubyMethod
+hi link rubyException       rubyMethod
+hi link rubyInclude         rubyMethod
+hi link rubyStringDelimiter rubyString
+hi link rubyRegexp          Regexp
+hi link rubyRegexpDelimiter rubyRegexp
+"hi link rubyConstant        Variable
+"hi link rubyGlobalVariable  Variable
+"hi link rubyClassVariable   Variable
+"hi link rubyInstanceVariable Variable
+hi link javascriptRegexpString  Regexp
+hi link javascriptNumber        Number
+hi link javascriptNull          Constant
+highlight link diffAdded        String
+highlight link diffRemoved      Statement
+highlight link diffLine         PreProc
+highlight link diffSubname      Comment
+call s:hifg("Normal","#EEEEEE","White",87)
+if &background == "light" || has("gui_running")
+    hi Normal guibg=Black ctermbg=Black
+    hi Normal guibg=Black ctermbg=NONE
+highlight StatusLine    guifg=Black   guibg=#aabbee gui=bold ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White  cterm=bold
+highlight StatusLineNC  guifg=#444444 guibg=#aaaaaa gui=none ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Grey   cterm=none
+"if &t_Co == 256
+    "highlight StatusLine ctermbg=117
+    "highlight StatusLine ctermbg=43
+highlight Ignore        ctermfg=Black
+highlight WildMenu      guifg=Black   guibg=#ffff00 gui=bold ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Yellow cterm=bold
+highlight Cursor        guifg=Black guibg=White ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White
+call s:hibg("ColorColumn","#333333","DarkGrey",81)
+call s:hibg("CursorLine","#333333","DarkGrey",81)
+call s:hibg("CursorColumn","#333333","DarkGrey",81)
+highlight NonText       guifg=#404040 ctermfg=8
+highlight SpecialKey    guifg=#404040 ctermfg=8
+highlight Directory     none
+high link Directory     Identifier
+highlight ErrorMsg      guibg=Red ctermbg=DarkRed guifg=NONE ctermfg=NONE
+highlight Search        guifg=NONE ctermfg=NONE gui=none cterm=none
+call s:hibg("Search"    ,"#555555","DarkBlue",81)
+highlight IncSearch     guifg=White guibg=Black ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
+highlight MoreMsg       guifg=#00AA00 ctermfg=Green
+highlight LineNr        guifg=#DDEEFF ctermfg=White
+call s:hibg("LineNr"    ,"#222222","DarkBlue",80)
+highlight Question      none
+high link Question      MoreMsg
+highlight Title         guifg=Magenta ctermfg=Magenta
+highlight VisualNOS     gui=none cterm=none
+call s:hibg("Visual"    ,"#555577","LightBlue",83)
+call s:hibg("VisualNOS" ,"#444444","DarkBlue",81)
+call s:hibg("MatchParen","#1100AA","DarkBlue",18)
+highlight WarningMsg    guifg=Red ctermfg=Red
+highlight Error         ctermbg=DarkRed
+highlight SpellBad      ctermbg=DarkRed
+" FIXME: Comments
+highlight SpellRare     ctermbg=DarkMagenta
+highlight SpellCap      ctermbg=DarkBlue
+highlight SpellLocal    ctermbg=DarkCyan
+call s:hibg("Folded"    ,"#110077","DarkBlue",17)
+call s:hifg("Folded"    ,"#aaddee","LightCyan",63)
+highlight FoldColumn    none
+high link FoldColumn    Folded
+highlight DiffAdd       ctermbg=4 guibg=DarkBlue
+highlight DiffChange    ctermbg=5 guibg=DarkMagenta
+highlight DiffDelete    ctermfg=12 ctermbg=6 gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=DarkCyan
+highlight DiffText      ctermbg=DarkRed
+highlight DiffText      cterm=bold ctermbg=9 gui=bold guibg=Red
+highlight Pmenu         guifg=White ctermfg=White gui=bold cterm=bold
+highlight PmenuSel      guifg=White ctermfg=White gui=bold cterm=bold
+call s:hibg("Pmenu"     ,"#000099","Blue",18)
+call s:hibg("PmenuSel"  ,"#5555ff","DarkCyan",39)
+highlight PmenuSbar     guibg=Grey ctermbg=Grey
+highlight PmenuThumb    guibg=White ctermbg=White
+highlight TabLine       gui=underline cterm=underline
+call s:hifg("TabLine"   ,"#bbbbbb","LightGrey",85)
+call s:hibg("TabLine"   ,"#333333","DarkGrey",80)
+highlight TabLineSel    guifg=White guibg=Black ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
+highlight TabLineFill   gui=underline cterm=underline
+call s:hifg("TabLineFill","#bbbbbb","LightGrey",85)
+call s:hibg("TabLineFill","#808080","Grey",83)
+hi Type gui=none
+hi Statement gui=none
+if !has("gui_mac")
+    " Mac GUI degrades italics to ugly underlining.
+    hi Comment gui=italic
+    hi railsUserClass  gui=italic
+    hi railsUserMethod gui=italic
+hi Identifier cterm=none
+" Commented numbers at the end are *old* 256 color values
+"highlight PreProc       guifg=#EDF8F9
+call s:hifg("Comment"        ,"#9933CC","DarkMagenta",34) " 92
+" 26 instead?
+call s:hifg("Constant"       ,"#339999","DarkCyan",21) " 30
+call s:hifg("rubyNumber"     ,"#CCFF33","Yellow",60) " 190
+call s:hifg("String"         ,"#66FF00","LightGreen",44,82) " 82
+call s:hifg("Identifier"     ,"#FFCC00","Yellow",72) " 220
+call s:hifg("Statement"      ,"#FF6600","Brown",68) " 202
+call s:hifg("PreProc"        ,"#AAFFFF","LightCyan",47) " 213
+call s:hifg("railsUserMethod","#AACCFF","LightCyan",27)
+call s:hifg("Type"           ,"#AAAA77","Grey",57) " 101
+call s:hifg("railsUserClass" ,"#AAAAAA","Grey",7) " 101
+call s:hifg("Special"        ,"#33AA00","DarkGreen",24) " 7
+call s:hifg("Regexp"         ,"#44B4CC","DarkCyan",21) " 74
+call s:hifg("rubyMethod"     ,"#DDE93D","Yellow",77) " 191
+"highlight railsMethod   guifg=#EE1122 ctermfg=1
--- a/rc/vimrc	Tue Apr 14 05:01:47 2015 +0900
+++ b/rc/vimrc	Sat Apr 25 18:12:38 2015 +0900
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@
   set nofoldenable
   set background=dark
-  let g:jellybeans_use_lowcolor_black = 0
-  colorscheme jellybeans
+  colorscheme vividchalk
 if has("autocmd")
--- a/setup	Tue Apr 14 05:01:47 2015 +0900
+++ b/setup	Sat Apr 25 18:12:38 2015 +0900
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     _touch "${HOME}/.hgignore_global.local"
     _rc "${1}" "inputrc" ".inputrc"
     _tmux "${1}"
-    _rc "${1}" "vim-jellybeans" ".vim/colors/jellybeans.vim"
+    _rc "${1}" "vim-vividchalk" ".vim/colors/vividchalk.vim"
     _vim_syntax "${1}"
     _rc "${1}" "vim-autoload-pathogen" ".vim/autoload/pathogen.vim"
     _rc "${1}" "vimrc" ".vimrc"