
age author description
Sun, 12 May 2013 00:43:23 +0900 Edho Arief Sprockets are now smarter
Sat, 11 May 2013 22:39:06 +0900 Edho Arief Revamp the routing
Sat, 11 May 2013 22:37:31 +0900 Edho Arief Prepare for private pastes.
Wed, 08 May 2013 01:26:28 +0900 Edho Arief Whoops, turned out to be secret_key_base for 4.0.
Wed, 08 May 2013 01:18:22 +0900 Edho Arief We have no activemailer.
Wed, 08 May 2013 01:16:30 +0900 Edho Arief Use shorter name for the hash magic thing
Wed, 08 May 2013 00:56:45 +0900 Edho Arief Updated README.
Wed, 08 May 2013 00:29:54 +0900 Edho Arief ...copypasta the whole environments from clean 4.0