changeset 335:4d3288c19e91

author Edho Arief <>
date Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:54:41 +0700
parents db66d53e10ea (diff) 467e26c59d71 (current diff)
children f0771672c559
files rc/bashrc
diffstat 11 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 392 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/rc/bash	Mon Mar 19 01:30:18 2012 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-case "${-}" in
-  *i*) ;;
-  *) return;;
-if [ "${ECOS_BASH_LOADED}" != "yes" ]; then
-  return
-[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.before" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.before"
-export PATH="${HOME}/.ecos_bin:${HOME}/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"
-shopt -s histappend
-PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n"
-export HISTFILESIZE=10000
-export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
-export PAGER="more"
-export EDITOR="vi"
-export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
-export CLICOLOR=
-export LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
-export LS_COLORS=
-export BLOCKSIZE=1K
-export BLOCK_SIZE=si
-alias ls="ls -F"
-alias rm="rm -i"
-alias rd="rdesktop -g 1280x600 -K -a 15 -x m -z -P -r sound:off -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -5"
-case "$(uname -s)" in
-  Linux)
-    _has_gnu_ls=y
-    _has_gnu_grep=y
-  ;;
-  SunOS)
-    _has_posix_grep=n
-    [ -x /usr/gnu/bin/ls ] && _has_gnu_ls=y
-    [ -x /usr/gnu/bin/grep ] && _has_gnu_grep=y
-    # Higher priority directories
-    for i in {/opt/csw,/usr/gnu}/{,s}bin; do
-      [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${i}:${PATH}"
-    done
-    for i in /usr/{sfw,xpg4}/bin; do
-      [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${PATH}:${i}"
-    done
-    [ -d "/opt/csw/gnu" ] && PATH="/opt/csw/gnu:${PATH}"
-    alias ping="ping -s"
-    alias ping6="ping -A inet6"
-    # Hello tmux. Perhaps one day we'll have title with dtterm.
-    # But for now we work this around by prepending tmux call with xterm-256color
-    # which hopefully exists. Otherwise we have to live with no title.
-    case "${TERM}" in
-      xterm*)
-        if [ -f "/usr/share/lib/terminfo/x/xterm-256color" ]; then
-          export TERM="xterm-256color"
-        else
-          echo "No xterm-256color terminal, using dtterm. Tmux title won't work."
-          export TERM="dtterm"
-        fi
-      ;;
-      screen)
-        [ -f "/usr/share/lib/terminfo/s/screen" ] || export TERM="dtterm"
-      ;;
-    esac
-    if command -v ggrep > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      _has_gnu_grep=y
-      _grep="ggrep"
-    fi
-    if command -v gls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      _has_gnu_ls=y
-      _ls="gls"
-    fi
-  ;;
-  FreeBSD)
-    # Invalid characters when using en_US.UTF-8.
-    alias man="man -o"
-    # Multi CPU awesomeness.
-    alias top="top -P"
-  ;;
-  OpenBSD)
-    PATH="${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin"
-    if command -v gls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      _has_gnu_ls=y
-      _ls="gls"
-    elif command -v colorls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      alias ls="colorls -F"
-    fi
-  ;;
-  NetBSD)
-    PATH="${PATH}:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin"
-    if command -v gls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      _has_gnu_ls=y
-      _ls="gls"
-    elif command -v colorls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      alias ls="colorls -F"
-    fi
-  ;;
-    export PATH="${PATH}:${_org_path}"
-  ;;
-if [ "${_has_gnu_ls}" = y ]; then
-  alias ls="${_ls} -F --color=auto"
-  LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=36:ln=35:pi=30;44:so=35;44:do=35;44:bd=33;44:cd=37;44:or=05;37;41:mi=05;37;41:ex=01;31:*.cmd=01;31:*.exe=01;31:*.com=01;31:*.bat=01;31:*.reg=01;31:*.app=01;31:*.txt=32:*.org=32:*.md=32:*.mkd=32:*.h=32:*.c=32:*.C=32:*.cc=32:*.cxx=32:*.objc=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.zsh=32:*.el=32:*.vim=32:*.java=32:*.pl=32:*.pm=32:*.py=32:*.rb=32:*.hs=32:*.php=32:*.htm=32:*.html=32:*.shtml=32:*.xml=32:*.rdf=32:*.css=32:*.js=32:*.man=32:*.0=32:*.1=32:*.2=32:*.3=32:*.4=32:*.5=32:*.6=32:*.7=32:*.8=32:*.9=32:*.l=32:*.n=32:*.p=32:*.pod=32:*.tex=32:*.bmp=33:*.cgm=33:*.dl=33:*.dvi=33:*.emf=33:*.eps=33:*.gif=33:*.jpeg=33:*.jpg=33:*.JPG=33:*.mng=33:*.pbm=33:*.pcx=33:*.pdf=33:*.pgm=33:*.png=33:*.ppm=33:*.pps=33:*.ppsx=33:*.ps=33:*.svg=33:*.svgz=33:*.tga=33:*.tif=33:*.tiff=33:*.xbm=33:*.xcf=33:*.xpm=33:*.xwd=33:*.xwd=33:*.yuv=33:*.aac=33:*.au=33:*.flac=33:*.mid=33:*.midi=33:*.mka=33:*.mp3=33:*.mpa=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.ogg=33:*.ra=33:*.wav=33:*.anx=33:*.asf=33:*.avi=33:*.axv=33:*.flc=33:*.fli=33:*.flv=33:*.gl=33:*.m2v=33:*.m4v=33:*.mkv=33:*.mov=33:*.mp4=33:*.mp4v=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.nuv=33:*.ogm=33:*.ogv=33:*.ogx=33:*.qt=33:*.rm=33:*.rmvb=33:*.swf=33:*.vob=33:*.wmv=33:*.doc=31:*.docx=31:*.rtf=31:*.dot=31:*.dotx=31:*.xls=31:*.xlsx=31:*.ppt=31:*.pptx=31:*.fla=31:*.psd=31:*.7z=1;35:*.apk=1;35:*.arj=1;35:*.bin=1;35:*.bz=1;35:*.bz2=1;35:*.cab=1;35:*.deb=1;35:*.dmg=1;35:*.gem=1;35:*.gz=1;35:*.iso=1;35:*.jar=1;35:*.msi=1;35:*.rar=1;35:*.rpm=1;35:*.tar=1;35:*.tbz=1;35:*.tbz2=1;35:*.tgz=1;35:*.tx=1;35:*.war=1;35:*.xpi=1;35:*.xz=1;35:*.z=1;35:*.Z=1;35:*.zip=1;35:*.ANSI-30-black=30:*.ANSI-01;30-brblack=01;30:*.ANSI-31-red=31:*.ANSI-01;31-brred=01;31:*.ANSI-32-green=32:*.ANSI-01;32-brgreen=01;32:*.ANSI-33-yellow=33:*.ANSI-01;33-bryellow=01;33:*.ANSI-34-blue=34:*.ANSI-01;34-brblue=01;34:*.ANSI-35-magenta=35:*.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta=01;35:*.ANSI-36-cyan=36:*.ANSI-01;36-brcyan=01;36:*.ANSI-37-white=37:*.ANSI-01;37-brwhite=01;37:*.log=01;32:*~=01;32:*#=01;32:*.bak=01;33:*.BAK=01;33:*.old=01;33:*.OLD=01;33:*.org_archive=01;33:*.off=01;33:*.OFF=01;33:*.dist=01;33:*.DIST=01;33:*.orig=01;33:*.ORIG=01;33:*.swp=01;33:*.swo=01;33:*,v=01;33:*.gpg=34:*.gpg=34:*.pgp=34:*.asc=34:*.3des=34:*.aes=34:*.enc=34:';
-  export LS_COLORS
-if [ "${_has_gnu_grep}" = y ]; then
-  alias grep="${_grep} --color=auto"
-  _has_posix_grep=y
-if [ "${_has_posix_grep}" = y ]; then
-  alias fgrep="grep -F"
-  alias egrep="grep -E"
-unset _has_gnu_ls
-unset _has_gnu_grep
-unset _has_posix_grep
-unset _ls
-unset _grep
-# Custom application I usually install and safe to prioritize
-for i in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/{tmux,ruby19,node,tarsnap,symon,nginx}/{bin,sbin}; do
-  [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${i}:${PATH}"
-# New(?) rubygems bin PATH
-for i in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin; do
-  [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${i}:${PATH}"
-# MySQL in common locations highest priority since new = better. Also no compatibility problem.
-# Cluster is superset of Enterprise/GPL so it gets highest priority.
-# And use only one.
-for mydir in {"${HOME}",/app{,s},/opt}/mysql/{{cluster,enterprise}/mysql/,}bin; do
-  if [ -d "${mydir}" ]; then
-    PATH="${mydir}:${PATH}"
-    break
-  fi
-# Mercurial is optional since it will be inconsistent with ssh ... hg if this one gets priority.
-# And use only one.
-for hgdir in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/mercurial{,/bin}; do
-  hgbin="${hgdir}/hg"
-  if [ -x "${hgbin}" ]; then
-    PATH="${PATH}:${hgdir}"
-    alias nhg="${hgbin}"
-    break
-  fi
-for supbindir in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/supervisor{,d}/bin; do
-  if [ -d "${supbindir}" ]; then
-    PATH="${PATH}:${supbindir}"
-    break
-  fi
-case "${TERM}" in
-  xterm*|screen*|dtterm*)
-    PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;'"${USER:-$LOGNAME}@$(uname -n)"': ${PWD}\007";'"${PROMPT_COMMAND}"
-    PS1='[\[\e[0;33m\]\u\[\e[0m\]@\[\e[0;32m\]\h\[\e[0m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\W\[\e[0m\]]\$ '
-  ;;
-  *)
-    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
-  ;;
-if command -v vim > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-  alias vi=vim
-  export EDITOR=vim
-if command -v less > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-  alias less="less -Rins"
-  export PAGER="less -Rins"
-rm -If "/tmp/.nonexistent.$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" 2> /dev/null && alias rm="rm -I"
-[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.after" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.after"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc/bashrc	Mon Mar 19 12:54:41 2012 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+case "${-}" in
+  *i*) ;;
+  *) return;;
+if [ "${ECOS_BASH_LOADED}" != "yes" ]; then
+  return
+[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.before" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.before"
+export PATH="${HOME}/.ecos_bin:${HOME}/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"
+shopt -s histappend
+PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n"
+export HISTFILESIZE=10000
+export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
+export PAGER="more"
+export EDITOR="vi"
+export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
+export CLICOLOR=
+export LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
+export LS_COLORS=
+export BLOCKSIZE=1K
+export BLOCK_SIZE=si
+alias ls="ls -F"
+alias rm="rm -i"
+alias rd="rdesktop -g 1280x600 -K -a 15 -x m -z -P -r sound:off -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -5"
+case "$(uname -s)" in
+  Linux)
+    _has_gnu_ls=y
+    _has_gnu_grep=y
+  ;;
+  SunOS)
+    _has_posix_grep=n
+    [ -x /usr/gnu/bin/ls ] && _has_gnu_ls=y
+    [ -x /usr/gnu/bin/grep ] && _has_gnu_grep=y
+    # Higher priority directories
+    for i in {/opt/csw,/usr/gnu}/{,s}bin; do
+      [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${i}:${PATH}"
+    done
+    for i in /usr/{sfw,xpg4}/bin; do
+      [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${PATH}:${i}"
+    done
+    [ -d "/opt/csw/gnu" ] && PATH="/opt/csw/gnu:${PATH}"
+    alias ping="ping -s"
+    alias ping6="ping -A inet6"
+    # Hello tmux. Perhaps one day we'll have title with dtterm.
+    # But for now we work this around by prepending tmux call with xterm-256color
+    # which hopefully exists. Otherwise we have to live with no title.
+    case "${TERM}" in
+      xterm*)
+        if [ -f "/usr/share/lib/terminfo/x/xterm-256color" ]; then
+          export TERM="xterm-256color"
+        else
+          echo "No xterm-256color terminal, using dtterm. Tmux title won't work."
+          export TERM="dtterm"
+        fi
+      ;;
+      screen)
+        [ -f "/usr/share/lib/terminfo/s/screen" ] || export TERM="dtterm"
+      ;;
+    esac
+    if command -v ggrep > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      _has_gnu_grep=y
+      _grep="ggrep"
+    fi
+    if command -v gls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      _has_gnu_ls=y
+      _ls="gls"
+    fi
+  ;;
+  FreeBSD)
+    # Invalid characters when using en_US.UTF-8.
+    alias man="man -o"
+    # Multi CPU awesomeness.
+    alias top="top -P"
+  ;;
+  OpenBSD)
+    PATH="${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin"
+    if command -v gls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      _has_gnu_ls=y
+      _ls="gls"
+    elif command -v colorls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      alias ls="colorls -F"
+    fi
+  ;;
+  NetBSD)
+    PATH="${PATH}:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin"
+    if command -v gls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      _has_gnu_ls=y
+      _ls="gls"
+    elif command -v colorls > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+      alias ls="colorls -F"
+    fi
+  ;;
+    export PATH="${PATH}:${_org_path}"
+  ;;
+if [ "${_has_gnu_ls}" = y ]; then
+  alias ls="${_ls} -F --color=auto"
+  LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=36:ln=35:pi=30;44:so=35;44:do=35;44:bd=33;44:cd=37;44:or=05;37;41:mi=05;37;41:ex=01;31:*.cmd=01;31:*.exe=01;31:*.com=01;31:*.bat=01;31:*.reg=01;31:*.app=01;31:*.txt=32:*.org=32:*.md=32:*.mkd=32:*.h=32:*.c=32:*.C=32:*.cc=32:*.cxx=32:*.objc=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.zsh=32:*.el=32:*.vim=32:*.java=32:*.pl=32:*.pm=32:*.py=32:*.rb=32:*.hs=32:*.php=32:*.htm=32:*.html=32:*.shtml=32:*.xml=32:*.rdf=32:*.css=32:*.js=32:*.man=32:*.0=32:*.1=32:*.2=32:*.3=32:*.4=32:*.5=32:*.6=32:*.7=32:*.8=32:*.9=32:*.l=32:*.n=32:*.p=32:*.pod=32:*.tex=32:*.bmp=33:*.cgm=33:*.dl=33:*.dvi=33:*.emf=33:*.eps=33:*.gif=33:*.jpeg=33:*.jpg=33:*.JPG=33:*.mng=33:*.pbm=33:*.pcx=33:*.pdf=33:*.pgm=33:*.png=33:*.ppm=33:*.pps=33:*.ppsx=33:*.ps=33:*.svg=33:*.svgz=33:*.tga=33:*.tif=33:*.tiff=33:*.xbm=33:*.xcf=33:*.xpm=33:*.xwd=33:*.xwd=33:*.yuv=33:*.aac=33:*.au=33:*.flac=33:*.mid=33:*.midi=33:*.mka=33:*.mp3=33:*.mpa=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.ogg=33:*.ra=33:*.wav=33:*.anx=33:*.asf=33:*.avi=33:*.axv=33:*.flc=33:*.fli=33:*.flv=33:*.gl=33:*.m2v=33:*.m4v=33:*.mkv=33:*.mov=33:*.mp4=33:*.mp4v=33:*.mpeg=33:*.mpg=33:*.nuv=33:*.ogm=33:*.ogv=33:*.ogx=33:*.qt=33:*.rm=33:*.rmvb=33:*.swf=33:*.vob=33:*.wmv=33:*.doc=31:*.docx=31:*.rtf=31:*.dot=31:*.dotx=31:*.xls=31:*.xlsx=31:*.ppt=31:*.pptx=31:*.fla=31:*.psd=31:*.7z=1;35:*.apk=1;35:*.arj=1;35:*.bin=1;35:*.bz=1;35:*.bz2=1;35:*.cab=1;35:*.deb=1;35:*.dmg=1;35:*.gem=1;35:*.gz=1;35:*.iso=1;35:*.jar=1;35:*.msi=1;35:*.rar=1;35:*.rpm=1;35:*.tar=1;35:*.tbz=1;35:*.tbz2=1;35:*.tgz=1;35:*.tx=1;35:*.war=1;35:*.xpi=1;35:*.xz=1;35:*.z=1;35:*.Z=1;35:*.zip=1;35:*.ANSI-30-black=30:*.ANSI-01;30-brblack=01;30:*.ANSI-31-red=31:*.ANSI-01;31-brred=01;31:*.ANSI-32-green=32:*.ANSI-01;32-brgreen=01;32:*.ANSI-33-yellow=33:*.ANSI-01;33-bryellow=01;33:*.ANSI-34-blue=34:*.ANSI-01;34-brblue=01;34:*.ANSI-35-magenta=35:*.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta=01;35:*.ANSI-36-cyan=36:*.ANSI-01;36-brcyan=01;36:*.ANSI-37-white=37:*.ANSI-01;37-brwhite=01;37:*.log=01;32:*~=01;32:*#=01;32:*.bak=01;33:*.BAK=01;33:*.old=01;33:*.OLD=01;33:*.org_archive=01;33:*.off=01;33:*.OFF=01;33:*.dist=01;33:*.DIST=01;33:*.orig=01;33:*.ORIG=01;33:*.swp=01;33:*.swo=01;33:*,v=01;33:*.gpg=34:*.gpg=34:*.pgp=34:*.asc=34:*.3des=34:*.aes=34:*.enc=34:';
+  export LS_COLORS
+if [ "${_has_gnu_grep}" = y ]; then
+  alias grep="${_grep} --color=auto"
+  _has_posix_grep=y
+if [ "${_has_posix_grep}" = y ]; then
+  alias fgrep="grep -F"
+  alias egrep="grep -E"
+unset _has_gnu_ls
+unset _has_gnu_grep
+unset _has_posix_grep
+unset _ls
+unset _grep
+# Custom application I usually install and safe to prioritize
+for i in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/{tmux,ruby19,node,tarsnap,symon,nginx}/{bin,sbin}; do
+  [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${i}:${PATH}"
+# New(?) rubygems bin PATH
+for i in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin; do
+  [ -d "${i}" ] && PATH="${i}:${PATH}"
+# MySQL in common locations highest priority since new = better. Also no compatibility problem.
+# Cluster is superset of Enterprise/GPL so it gets highest priority.
+# And use only one.
+for mydir in {"${HOME}",/app{,s},/opt}/mysql/{{cluster,enterprise}/mysql/,}bin; do
+  if [ -d "${mydir}" ]; then
+    PATH="${mydir}:${PATH}"
+    break
+  fi
+# Mercurial is optional since it will be inconsistent with ssh ... hg if this one gets priority.
+# And use only one.
+for hgdir in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/mercurial{,/bin}; do
+  hgbin="${hgdir}/hg"
+  if [ -x "${hgbin}" ]; then
+    PATH="${PATH}:${hgdir}"
+    alias nhg="${hgbin}"
+    break
+  fi
+for supbindir in {"${HOME}/app","/opt"}/supervisor{,d}/bin; do
+  if [ -d "${supbindir}" ]; then
+    PATH="${PATH}:${supbindir}"
+    break
+  fi
+case "${TERM}" in
+  xterm*|screen*|dtterm*)
+    PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;'"${USER:-$LOGNAME}@$(uname -n)"': ${PWD}\007";'"${PROMPT_COMMAND}"
+    PS1='[\[\e[0;33m\]\u\[\e[0m\]@\[\e[0;32m\]\h\[\e[0m\] \[\e[0;34m\]\W\[\e[0m\]]\$ '
+  ;;
+  *)
+    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
+  ;;
+if command -v vim > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  alias vi=vim
+  export EDITOR=vim
+if command -v less > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  alias less="less -Rins"
+  export PAGER="less -Rins"
+rm -If "/tmp/.nonexistent.$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" 2> /dev/null && alias rm="rm -I"
+[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.after" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_bash.after"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc/cshrc	Mon Mar 19 12:54:41 2012 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tcsh
+# Ensures it's tcsh
+if ( ! $?tcsh ) then
+  exit
+# Ensures this script is running on terminal. Otherwise exit immediately.
+if ( ! $?prompt ) then
+  exit
+# Ensures we're not loading this script again.
+if ( ! $?ecos_tcsh_loaded ) then
+  set ecos_tcsh_loaded="yes"
+  exit
+test -f "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.before" && source "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.before"
+umask 22
+limit coredumpsize 0
+set prompt="[%B%n@%m %~%b]%# "
+set path=({,/usr}/{bin,sbin} "${HOME}"/{,.ecos_}bin)
+set history=1000
+set savehist=1000
+set nobeep
+set filec
+setenv EDITOR vi
+setenv PAGER less
+setenv LC_COLLATE C
+setenv LANG en_US.UTF-8
+unset autologout
+unset autoexpand
+unset autolist
+unset ignoreeof
+unalias \*
+alias rd "rdesktop -g 1280x700 -K -a 16 -z -P -r sound:off -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -5"
+alias h history 25
+alias j jobs -l
+alias la ls -A
+alias ll ls -lA
+alias ls ls -F
+alias rm rm -i
+if ($?prompt) then
+  set gnuls_opts="--color=auto --group-directories-first -F"
+  set iscolor=0
+  switch (${TERM})
+    case xterm*:
+    case dtterm:
+    case screen*:
+      setenv CLICOLOR 
+      set myhost=`hostname | cut -d '.' -f 1`
+      set prompt="[%{\033[0;33m%}%n%{\033[0m%}@%{\033[0;32m%}%m%{\033[0m%} %{\033[0;34m%}%c%{\033[0m%}]%# "
+      alias mypwd 'printf "%s\n" "${PWD}" | sed -e "s#^${HOME}#~#"'
+      alias precmd 'printf "\033]0;${USER}@${myhost}: %s\007" "`mypwd`"'
+      set iscolor=1
+    breaksw
+  endsw
+  if ("$TERM" == "screen") then
+    bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line
+    bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char
+    bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line
+    bindkey '\e[5~' history-search-backward
+    bindkey '\e[6~' history-search-forward
+    bindkey '\eOD' backward-word
+    bindkey '\eOC' forward-word
+    bindkey '\e\e[D' backward-word
+    bindkey '\e\e[C' forward-word
+  endif
+  bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
+  bindkey -k up history-search-backward
+  bindkey -k down history-search-forward
+switch (`uname -s`)
+  case FreeBSD:
+    set path=(${path} /usr/local/{bin,sbin})
+    setenv LSCOLORS "exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
+    alias ls ls -FG
+    ( which gnuls ) > /dev/null && alias ls gnuls ${gnuls_opts}
+    alias man man -o
+    alias rm rm -I
+    alias top top -P
+  breaksw
+  case NetBSD:
+    set path=(${path} /usr/pkg/{bin,sbin})
+    breaksw
+  case OpenBSD:
+    set path=(${path} /usr/local/{bin,sbin})
+    setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx
+    test "${iscolor}" -eq 1 && setenv TERM xterm-256color
+    ( which colorls ) > /dev/null && alias ls colorls -FG
+  breaksw
+  case DragonFly:
+    set path=(${path} /usr/pkg/{bin,sbin})
+    setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx
+    alias ls ls -FG
+  breaksw
+  case SunOS:
+    set path=(${path} /usr/{gnu,csw,xpg4}/{bin,sbin})
+    test -x /usr/gnu/bin/ls && alias ls /usr/gnu/bin/ls ${gnuls_opts}
+  breaksw
+  case Linux:
+    alias ls ls ${gnuls_opts}
+    alias grep grep --color=auto
+  breaksw
+unset gnuls_opts
+( which vim ) > /dev/null && alias vi vim && setenv EDITOR vim
+test -f "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.after" && source "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.after"
+test -x "/usr/games/fortune" && "/usr/games/fortune"
--- a/rc/hg	Mon Mar 19 01:30:18 2012 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-username = Edho Arief <>
-merge = vimdiff
-verbose = true
-vimdiff.executable = vim
-vimdiff.args = -d $base $local $output $other +close +close
-#hgext.convert = 
-#progress =
-hgext.bookmarks =
-[hostfingerprints] = 24:9c:45:8b:9c:aa:ba:55:4e:01:6d:58:ff:e4:28:7d:2a:14:ae:3b
-addremove = --similarity 100
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc/hgrc	Mon Mar 19 12:54:41 2012 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+username = Edho Arief <>
+merge = vimdiff
+verbose = true
+vimdiff.executable = vim
+vimdiff.args = -d $base $local $output $other +close +close
+#hgext.convert = 
+#progress =
+hgext.bookmarks =
+mq =
+[hostfingerprints] = 24:9c:45:8b:9c:aa:ba:55:4e:01:6d:58:ff:e4:28:7d:2a:14:ae:3b
+addremove = --similarity 100
--- a/rc/tcsh	Mon Mar 19 01:30:18 2012 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tcsh
-# Ensures it's tcsh
-if ( ! $?tcsh ) then
-  exit
-# Ensures this script is running on terminal. Otherwise exit immediately.
-if ( ! $?prompt ) then
-  exit
-# Ensures we're not loading this script again.
-if ( ! $?ecos_tcsh_loaded ) then
-  set ecos_tcsh_loaded="yes"
-  exit
-test -f "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.before" && source "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.before"
-umask 22
-limit coredumpsize 0
-set prompt="[%B%n@%m %~%b]%# "
-set path=({,/usr}/{bin,sbin} "${HOME}"/{,.ecos_}bin)
-set history=1000
-set savehist=1000
-set nobeep
-set filec
-setenv EDITOR vi
-setenv PAGER less
-setenv LC_COLLATE C
-setenv LANG en_US.UTF-8
-unset autologout
-unset autoexpand
-unset autolist
-unset ignoreeof
-unalias \*
-alias rd "rdesktop -g 1280x700 -K -a 16 -z -P -r sound:off -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -5"
-alias h history 25
-alias j jobs -l
-alias la ls -A
-alias ll ls -lA
-alias ls ls -F
-alias rm rm -i
-if ($?prompt) then
-  set gnuls_opts="--color=auto --group-directories-first -F"
-  set iscolor=0
-  switch (${TERM})
-    case xterm*:
-    case dtterm:
-    case screen*:
-      setenv CLICOLOR 
-      set myhost=`hostname | cut -d '.' -f 1`
-      set prompt="[%{\033[0;33m%}%n%{\033[0m%}@%{\033[0;32m%}%m%{\033[0m%} %{\033[0;34m%}%c%{\033[0m%}]%# "
-      alias mypwd 'printf "%s\n" "${PWD}" | sed -e "s#^${HOME}#~#"'
-      alias precmd 'printf "\033]0;${USER}@${myhost}: %s\007" "`mypwd`"'
-      set iscolor=1
-    breaksw
-  endsw
-  if ("$TERM" == "screen") then
-    bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line
-    bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char
-    bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line
-    bindkey '\e[5~' history-search-backward
-    bindkey '\e[6~' history-search-forward
-    bindkey '\eOD' backward-word
-    bindkey '\eOC' forward-word
-    bindkey '\e\e[D' backward-word
-    bindkey '\e\e[C' forward-word
-  endif
-  bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
-  bindkey -k up history-search-backward
-  bindkey -k down history-search-forward
-switch (`uname -s`)
-  case FreeBSD:
-    set path=(${path} /usr/local/{bin,sbin})
-    setenv LSCOLORS "exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
-    alias ls ls -FG
-    ( which gnuls ) > /dev/null && alias ls gnuls ${gnuls_opts}
-    alias man man -o
-    alias rm rm -I
-    alias top top -P
-  breaksw
-  case NetBSD:
-    set path=(${path} /usr/pkg/{bin,sbin})
-    breaksw
-  case OpenBSD:
-    set path=(${path} /usr/local/{bin,sbin})
-    setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx
-    test "${iscolor}" -eq 1 && setenv TERM xterm-256color
-    ( which colorls ) > /dev/null && alias ls colorls -FG
-  breaksw
-  case DragonFly:
-    set path=(${path} /usr/pkg/{bin,sbin})
-    setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx
-    alias ls ls -FG
-  breaksw
-  case SunOS:
-    set path=(${path} /usr/{gnu,csw,xpg4}/{bin,sbin})
-    test -x /usr/gnu/bin/ls && alias ls /usr/gnu/bin/ls ${gnuls_opts}
-  breaksw
-  case Linux:
-    alias ls ls ${gnuls_opts}
-    alias grep grep --color=auto
-  breaksw
-unset gnuls_opts
-( which vim ) > /dev/null && alias vi vim && setenv EDITOR vim
-test -f "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.after" && source "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh.after"
-test -x "/usr/games/fortune" && "/usr/games/fortune"
--- a/rc/tmux	Mon Mar 19 01:30:18 2012 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#set -g terminal-overrides '*:acsc@'
-set -g repeat-time 0
-set -g status-bg blue
-set -g status-fg white
-set -g status-left '[#S]'
-set -g status-right '#H | %b-%d %H:%M '
-set -g status-utf8 on
-setw -g utf8 on
-#set -g pane-active-border-fg blue
-set -g set-titles on
-set -g set-titles-string '[#S] #I:#W #T'
-setw -g window-status-attr bold
-setw -g window-status-current-attr bold
-setw -g window-status-current-bg red
-setw -g window-status-current-fg white
-#setw -g window-status-current-format '#I:#W'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc/tmux.conf	Mon Mar 19 12:54:41 2012 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#set -g terminal-overrides '*:acsc@'
+set -g repeat-time 0
+set -g status-bg blue
+set -g status-fg white
+set -g status-left '[#S]'
+set -g status-right '#H | %b-%d %H:%M '
+set -g status-utf8 on
+setw -g utf8 on
+#set -g pane-active-border-fg blue
+set -g set-titles on
+set -g set-titles-string '[#S] #I:#W #T'
+setw -g window-status-attr bold
+setw -g window-status-current-attr bold
+setw -g window-status-current-bg red
+setw -g window-status-current-fg white
+#setw -g window-status-current-format '#I:#W'
--- a/rc/zsh	Mon Mar 19 01:30:18 2012 +0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env zsh
-[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.before" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.before"
-case $TERM in
-  xterm*|screen*)
-    precmd () {print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m: %~\a"}
-  ;;
-PS1='[%n@%m %~]%% '
-export PATH="${HOME}/.ecos_bin:${PATH}"
-setopt appendhistory nomatch
-unsetopt autocd beep extendedglob notify
-bindkey -e
-bindkey '^[[A' history-search-backward
-bindkey '^[[B' history-search-forward
-autoload -Uz compinit
-export EDITOR=vi
-export PAGER='less -Rins'
-alias less='less -Rins'
-alias ls='ls -F'
-[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.after" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.after"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rc/zshrc	Mon Mar 19 12:54:41 2012 +0700
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.before" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.before"
+case $TERM in
+  xterm*|screen*)
+    precmd () {print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m: %~\a"}
+  ;;
+PS1='[%n@%m %~]%% '
+export PATH="${HOME}/.ecos_bin:${PATH}"
+setopt appendhistory nomatch
+unsetopt autocd beep extendedglob notify
+bindkey -e
+bindkey '^[[A' history-search-backward
+bindkey '^[[B' history-search-forward
+autoload -Uz compinit
+export EDITOR=vi
+export PAGER='less -Rins'
+alias less='less -Rins'
+alias ls='ls -F'
+[ -f "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.after" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh.after"
--- a/setup	Mon Mar 19 01:30:18 2012 +0700
+++ b/setup	Mon Mar 19 12:54:41 2012 +0700
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 _tcsh() {
   case "$1" in
-      _rc "${1}" "tcsh" ".ecos_tcsh"
+      _rc "${1}" "cshrc" ".ecos_tcsh"
       _init "${1}" 'test -r "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh" && source "${HOME}/.ecos_tcsh" #ECCORE_TCSH' ".cshrc"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 _bash() {
   case "$1" in
-      _rc "${1}" "bash" ".ecos_bash"
+      _rc "${1}" "bashrc" ".ecos_bash"
      _init "${1}" '[ -r "${HOME}/.ecos_bash" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_bash" #ECCORE_BASH' ".bash_profile"
      _init "${1}" '[ -r "${HOME}/.ecos_bash" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_bash" #ECCORE_BASH' ".bashrc"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 _zsh() {
   case "$1" in
-      _rc "${1}" "zsh" ".ecos_zsh"
+      _rc "${1}" "zshrc" ".ecos_zsh"
       _init "${1}" '[ -r "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh" ] && . "${HOME}/.ecos_zsh" #ECCORE_ZSH' ".zshrc"
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
     _tcsh "${1}"
     _bash "${1}"
     _zsh "${1}"
-    _rc "${1}" "tmux" ".tmux.conf"
-    _rc "${1}" "hg" ".hgrc"
+    _rc "${1}" "tmux.conf" ".tmux.conf"
+    _rc "${1}" "hgrc" ".hgrc"
     _rc "${1}" "vimrc" ".vimrc"
     _rc "${1}" "vim-solarized" ".vim/colors/solarized.vim"
     _rc "${1}" "inputrc" ".inputrc"