Mercurial > ec-dotfiles
view rc/cshrc @ 729:a01648ad62b7 default tip
[vimrc] Use correct srcery option?
Dunno where the previous one went to but it stopped taking effect.
author | nanaya <> |
date | Mon, 06 Jan 2025 17:12:49 +0900 |
parents | 77c1f9e624a3 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/env tcsh # Ensures it's tcsh if ( ! $?tcsh ) then exit endif # Ensures this script is running on terminal. Otherwise exit immediately. if ( ! $?prompt ) then exit endif # Ensures we're not loading this script again. if ( ! $?ec_tcsh_loaded ) then set ec_tcsh_loaded="yes" else exit endif test -f "${HOME}/.ec.tcsh.before" && source "${HOME}/.ec.tcsh.before" umask 22 limit coredumpsize 0 set prompt="[%B%n@%m %~%b]%# " set path=({,/usr}/{bin,sbin} "${HOME}"/{,.ec.}bin) set history=1000 set savehist=1000 set nobeep set filec setenv EDITOR vi setenv PAGER less setenv LESS '-MRXgij15$nsz-2' setenv BLOCKSIZE K setenv LC_COLLATE C setenv LANG en_US.UTF-8 setenv LSCOLORS "gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad" unset autologout unset autoexpand unset autolist unset ignoreeof unalias \* alias rd "rdesktop -g 1280x700 -K -a 16 -z -P -r sound:off -r clipboard:CLIPBOARD -5" alias h history 25 alias j jobs -l alias la ls -A alias ll ls -lA alias ls ls -F alias rm rm -i alias tmux tmux -f ~/.tmux-1.3.conf if ($?prompt) then set gnuls_opts="--color=auto --group-directories-first -F" set iscolor=0 switch (${TERM}) case xterm*: case dtterm: case screen*: setenv CLICOLOR set myhost=`hostname | cut -d '.' -f 1` set prompt="[%{\033[0;33m%}%n%{\033[0m%}@%{\033[0;32m%}%m%{\033[0m%} %{\033[0;36m%}%c%{\033[0m%}]%# " alias mypwd 'printf "%s\n" "${PWD}" | sed -e "s#^${HOME}#~#"' alias precmd 'printf "\033]0;${USER}@${myhost}: %s\007" "`mypwd`"' set iscolor=1 breaksw endsw if ("$TERM" == "screen") then bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line bindkey '\e[5~' history-search-backward bindkey '\e[6~' history-search-forward bindkey '\eOD' backward-word bindkey '\eOC' forward-word bindkey '\e\e[D' backward-word bindkey '\e\e[C' forward-word endif bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word bindkey -k up history-search-backward bindkey -k down history-search-forward endif switch (`uname -s`) case FreeBSD: set path=(${path} /usr/local/{bin,sbin}) alias ls ls -FG ( which gnuls ) > /dev/null && alias ls gnuls ${gnuls_opts} alias man man -o alias rm rm -I alias top top -P breaksw case NetBSD: set path=(${path} /usr/pkg/{bin,sbin}) breaksw case OpenBSD: set path=(${path} /usr/local/{bin,sbin}) test "${iscolor}" -eq 1 && setenv TERM xterm-256color ( which colorls ) > /dev/null && alias ls colorls -FG breaksw case DragonFly: set path=(${path} /usr/pkg/{bin,sbin}) alias ls ls -FG breaksw case SunOS: set path=(${path} /usr/{gnu,csw,xpg4}/{bin,sbin}) test -x /usr/gnu/bin/ls && alias ls /usr/gnu/bin/ls ${gnuls_opts} breaksw case Linux: alias ls ls ${gnuls_opts} alias grep grep --color=auto breaksw endsw unset gnuls_opts ( which vim ) > /dev/null && alias vi vim && setenv EDITOR vim test -f "${HOME}/.ec.tcsh.after" && source "${HOME}/.ec.tcsh.after" test -x "/usr/games/fortune" && "/usr/games/fortune"