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author | nanaya <> |
date | Mon, 03 Feb 2025 18:34:55 +0900 |
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*srcery.txt* Color scheme with clearly defined contrasting colors *srcery* and a slightly earthy tone. Version: 1.0.0 Author: Daniel Berg <> w/ contributers License: MIT license CONTENTS *srcery-contents* Introduction |srcery-introduction| Installation |srcery-installation| Vim 8 |srcery-install-vim8| Dein |srcery-install-dein| Pathogen |srcery-install-pathogen| Plug |srcery-install-plug| Color Table |srcery-color-table| Options |srcery-options| g:srcery_[color] |srcery-option-color| g:srcery_bold |srcery-option-bold| g:srcery_italic |srcery-option-italic| g:srcery_underline |srcery-option-underline| g:srcery_undercurl |srcery-option-undercurl| g:srcery_strikethrough |srcery-option-strikethrough| g:srcery_inverse |srcery-option-inverse| g:srcery_inverse_matche |srcery-option-inverse-matches| g:srcery_inverse_match_paren |srcery-option-inverse-match-paren| g:srcery_dim_lisp_paren |srcery-option-dim-lisp-paren| g:srcery_guisp_fallback |srcery-option-guisp-fallback| g:srcery_italic_types |srcery-option-italic-types| g:srcery_bg |srcery-option-bg| g:srcery_hard_black_terminal_bg |srcery-option-hard-black-terminal-bg| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *srcery-introduction* Created using colors that logically adheres to the 16 color base palette of a given terminal, while trying to retain its own identity. The colors are designed to be easy on the eyes yet contrast well with the background for long sessions using an editor or terminal emulator. ============================================================================== INSTALLATION *srcery-installation* Download or clone srcery's repository to a location of your choosing and set your 'runtimepath' correctly, otherwise srcery will not work as it relies on 'autoload' functionality. You can also install with your favourite plugin manager. *srcery-install-vim8* Vim 8 has native support for loading plugins by using |packages|. All you need to do to, is to clone this repository into `~/.vim/pack/themes/opt`. > git clone \ ~/.vim/pack/themes/opt < And then set your `.vimrc` accordingly. > packadd! srcery-vim colorscheme srcery < The same works for Neovim, but you have to clone it into a path where Neovim can find it. > git clone \ $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/pack/themes/opt < *srcery-install-dein* > call dein#add('srcery-colors/srcery-vim') < *srcery-install-pathogen* > cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone < *srcery-install-plug* > Plug 'srcery-colors/srcery-vim' < ============================================================================== COLOR TABLE *srcery-color-table* | TERMCOL | NR | VAR | HEX | RGB | | ------------- | -- | ----------------------- | ------- | ------------- | | black | 0 | g:srcery_black | #1C1B19 | 28, 27, 25 | | red | 1 | g:srcery_red | #EF2F27 | 239, 47, 39 | | green | 2 | g:srcery_green | #519F50 | 81, 159, 80 | | yellow | 3 | g:srcery_yellow | #FBB829 | 251, 184, 41 | | blue | 4 | g:srcery_blue | #2C78BF | 44, 120, 191 | | magenta | 5 | g:srcery_magenta | #E02C6D | 224, 44, 109 | | cyan | 6 | g:srcery_cyan | #0AAEB3 | 10, 174, 179 | | white | 7 | g:srcery_white | #BAA67F | 186, 166, 127 | | brightblack | 8 | g:srcery_bright_black | #918175 | 145, 129, 117 | | brightred | 9 | g:srcery_bright_red | #F75341 | 247, 83, 65 | | brightgreen | 10 | g:srcery_bright_green | #98BC37 | 152, 188, 55 | | brightyellow | 11 | g:srcery_bright_yellow | #FED06E | 254, 208, 110 | | brightblue | 12 | g:srcery_bright_blue | #68A8E4 | 104, 168, 228 | | brightmagenta | 13 | g:srcery_bright_magenta | #FF5C8F | 255, 92, 143 | | brightcyan | 14 | g:srcery_bright_cyan | #2BE4D0 | 43, 228, 208 | | brightwhite | 15 | g:srcery_bright_white | #FCE8C3 | 252, 232, 195 | Additionally Srcery uses some xterm 256 colors to pad out the color selection, no extra configuration needed. | NAME | NR | VAR | HEX | RGB | | ------------- | --- | ---------------------- | ------- | ----------- | | orange | 202 | g:srcery_orange | #FF5F00 | 255, 95, 0 | | bright_orange | 208 | g:srcery_bright_orange | #FF8700 | 255, 135, 0 | | hard_black | 233 | g:srcery_hard_black | #121212 | 18, 18, 18 | | xgray1 | 235 | g:srcery_xgray1 | #262626 | 38, 38, 38 | | xgray2 | 236 | g:srcery_xgray2 | #303030 | 48, 48, 48 | | xgray3 | 237 | g:srcery_xgray3 | #3A3A3A | 58, 58, 58 | | xgray4 | 238 | g:srcery_xgray4 | #444444 | 68, 68, 68 | | xgray5 | 239 | g:srcery_xgray5 | #4E4E4E | 78, 78, 78 | | xgray6 | 240 | g:srcery_xgray6 | #585858 | 88, 88, 88 | ============================================================================== OPTIONS *srcery-options* Srcery includes a few toggles due to discrepancies in the various setups possible. To change any of these you’d put something like this in your .vimrc: > let g:srcery_italic = 1 < Make sure that you set these variables before assigning colorscheme. g:srcery_[color] *srcery-option-color* You can customize each of Srcery’s colors, to customize say the red color: > let g:srcery_red = '#FF0000' < Inside a 256-color terminal emulator, additional colors are configurable via setting the corresponding variable with the _cterm suffix, e.g. > let g:srcery_hard_black_cterm = 232 < Refer to the |srcery-color-table| for a full list of color variables, hexes and more. *srcery-option-bold* g:srcery_bold Enables bold text. Default: 1 *srcery-option-italic* g:srcery_italic Enables italic text. Default: gui 1, term 0 *srcery-option-underline* g:srcery_underline Enables underlined text. Default: 1 *srcery-option-undercurl* g:srcery_undercurl Enables undercurled text. Default: 1 *srcery-option-strikethrough* g:srcery_strikethrough Enables strikethrough text. Default: 1 *srcery-option-inverse* g:srcery_inverse Enable or disable inverse highlighting (foreground becomes background, vice versa). This is used for visual selection, search highlights and some other things. Srcery will fall back to other methods of highlighting if this is disabled. Default: 1 *srcery-option-inverse-matches* g:srcery_inverse_matches Highlight search matches using inverse colors. Default: 0 *srcery-option-inverse-match-paren* g:srcery_inverse_match_paren When enabled will highlight matching delimiters using inverse colors. (`:DoMatchParen`) Works best with Rainbow parenthesis. Default: 0 *srcery-option-dim-lisp-paren* g:srcery_dim_lisp_paren Dims lisp dialects delimiters to a fairly dark gray (xgray5 specifically). Default: 0 *srcery-option-guisp-fallback* g:srcery_guisp_fallback Sets up alternate highlighting for colored underline/undercurl. Some environments are unable to color underline, so this setting will set either the background or foreground to whatever color the underline is supposed to be. This comes in handy if colored underline doesn’t work, or underline is disabled entirely. Default: `NONE` Possible Values: `fg`, `bg` *srcery-option-italic-types* g:srcery_italic_types Italicize types if italic is enabled. Default: 0 *srcery-option-bg* g:srcery_bg Let's you customize the background color. This var takes a list with two values, with a quoted HEX in the first position, and a terminal color index for the second position. This lets you set both a 24-bit color, and a 8bit terminal color index. You can specify `'NONE'` as one of the values to make it transparent, as such `['NONE', 'NONE']` would be the same as the previous option `g:srcery_bg_passthrough = 1`. You can specify `'DEFAULT'` as one of the values in order to use that position's default value. Default: `[g:srcery_black, 0]` *srcery-option-hard-black-terminal-bg* g:srcery_hard_black_terminal_bg If enabled, will set the terminal background in vim to hard black. Note that this currently only works in Vim, not Neovim. Default: 1 ============================================================================== vim: tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen:noet :