view vendor/vim-packs/srcery-vim/after/plugin/srcery.vim @ 704:1e0f578f6752

Update vendor and add support for vim packs
author nanaya <>
date Sun, 18 Dec 2022 20:06:46 +0900
children 78469331407e
line wrap: on
line source

if srcery#helper#ShouldAbort()

" Palette {{{

let s:none           = g:srcery#palette.none

" 16 base colors
let s:black          =
let s:red            =
let s:green          =
let s:yellow         = g:srcery#palette.yellow
let s:blue           =
let s:magenta        = g:srcery#palette.magenta
let s:cyan           = g:srcery#palette.cyan
let s:white          = g:srcery#palette.white
let s:bright_black   = g:srcery#palette.bright_black
let s:bright_red     = g:srcery#palette.bright_red
let s:bright_green   = g:srcery#palette.bright_green
let s:bright_yellow  = g:srcery#palette.bright_yellow
let s:bright_blue    = g:srcery#palette.bright_blue
let s:bright_magenta = g:srcery#palette.bright_magenta
let s:bright_cyan    = g:srcery#palette.bright_cyan
let s:bright_white   = g:srcery#palette.bright_white

" xterm colors
let s:orange         =
let s:bright_orange  = g:srcery#palette.bright_orange
let s:hard_black     = g:srcery#palette.hard_black
let s:xgray1         = g:srcery#palette.xgray1
let s:xgray2         = g:srcery#palette.xgray2
let s:xgray3         = g:srcery#palette.xgray3
let s:xgray4         = g:srcery#palette.xgray4
let s:xgray5         = g:srcery#palette.xgray5
let s:xgray6         = g:srcery#palette.xgray6

" Setup Emphasis: {{{

let s:bold = g:srcery#palette.bold
let s:italic = g:srcery#palette.italic
let s:underline = g:srcery#palette.underline
let s:undercurl = g:srcery#palette.undercurl
let s:inverse = g:srcery#palette.inverse

" }}}
" Sneak: {{{

if exists('g:loaded_sneak_plugin')
  hi! link Sneak Search
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('SneakScope', s:none, s:hard_black)
  hi! link SneakLabel Search

" }}}
" Rainbow Parentheses: {{{

if !exists('g:rbpt_colorpairs')
  let g:rbpt_colorpairs =
    \ [
      \ ['blue',  '#2C78BF'], ['202',  '#FF5F00'],
      \ ['red',  '#EF2F27'], ['magenta', '#E02C6D']
    \ ]

let g:rainbow_guifgs = [ '#E02C6D', '#EF2F27', '#D75F00', '#2C78BF']
let g:rainbow_ctermfgs = [ 'magenta', 'red', '202', 'blue' ]

if !exists('g:rainbow_conf')
  let g:rainbow_conf = {}
if !has_key(g:rainbow_conf, 'guifgs')
  let g:rainbow_conf['guifgs'] = g:rainbow_guifgs
if !has_key(g:rainbow_conf, 'ctermfgs')
  let g:rainbow_conf['ctermfgs'] = g:rainbow_ctermfgs

let g:niji_dark_colours = g:rbpt_colorpairs
let g:niji_light_colours = g:rbpt_colorpairs

" GitGutter: {{{

if exists('g:loaded_gitgutter')
  hi! link GitGutterAdd SrceryGreen
  hi! link GitGutterChange SrceryYellow
  hi! link GitGutterDelete SrceryRed
  hi! link GitGutterChangeDelete SrceryYellow

" }}}
" Asynchronous Lint Engine: {{{

if exists('g:ale_enabled')
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('ALEError', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:red)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('ALEWarning', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:yellow)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('ALEInfo', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:blue)

  hi! link ALEErrorSign SrceryRed
  hi! link ALEWarningSign SrceryYellow
  hi! link ALEInfoSign SrceryBlue

" }}}

" vim-indent-guides: {{{
if exists('g:loaded_indent_guides')
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('IndentGuidesEven', s:none, s:xgray3)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('IndentGuidesOdd',  s:none, s:xgray4)

" }}}
" vim-startify: {{{

if exists('g:loaded_startify')
  hi! link StartifyNumber Statement
  hi! link StartifyFile Normal
  hi! link StartifyPath String
  hi! link StartifySlash Normal
  hi! link StartifyBracket Comment
  hi! link StartifyHeader Type
  hi! link StartifyFooter Normal
  hi! link StartifySpecial Comment
  hi! link StartifySection Identifier

" }}}
" fzf: {{{

if exists('g:loaded_fzf')
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('fzf1', s:magenta, s:xgray2)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('fzf2', s:bright_green, s:xgray2)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('fzf3', s:bright_white, s:xgray2)


" Netrw: {{{

hi! link netrwDir SrceryBlue
hi! link netrwClassify SrceryCyan
hi! link netrwLink SrceryBrightBlack
hi! link netrwSymLink SrceryCyan
hi! link netrwExe SrceryYellow
hi! link netrwComment SrceryBrightBlack
hi! link netrwList SrceryBrightBlue
hi! link netrwTreeBar SrceryBrightBlack
hi! link netrwHelpCmd SrceryCyan
hi! link netrwVersion SrceryGreen
hi! link netrwCmdSep SrceryBrightBlack

" coc.nvim: {{{

if exists('g:did_coc_loaded')
  hi! link CocErrorSign SrceryRed
  hi! link CocWarningSign SrceryBrightOrange
  hi! link CocInfoSign SrceryYellow
  hi! link CocHintSign SrceryBlue
  hi! link CocErrorFloat SrceryRed
  hi! link CocWarningFloat SrceryOrange
  hi! link CocInfoFloat SrceryYellow
  hi! link CocHintFloat SrceryBlue
  hi! link CocDiagnosticsError SrceryRed
  hi! link CocDiagnosticsWarning SrceryOrange
  hi! link CocDiagnosticsInfo SrceryYellow
  hi! link CocDiagnosticsHint SrceryBlue

  hi! link CocSelectedText SrceryRed
  hi! link CocCodeLens SrceryWhite

  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CocErrorHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:red)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CocWarningHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:bright_orange)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CocInfoHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:yellow)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CocHintHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:blue)

" }}}
" CtrlP: "{{{

if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp')
  hi! link CtrlPMatch SrceryMagenta
  hi! link CtrlPLinePre SrceryBrightGreen
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CtrlPMode1', s:bright_white, s:xgray3)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CtrlPMode2', s:bright_white, s:xgray5)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('CtrlPStats', s:yellow, s:xgray2)

" }}}
" NERDTree: "{{{

if exists('g:loaded_nerd_tree')
  hi! link NERDTreeDir SrceryBlue
  hi! link NERDTreeDirSlash SrceryCyan
  hi! link NERDTreeOpenable SrceryBlue
  hi! link NERDTreeClosable SrceryBlue
  hi! link NERDTreeFile SrceryWhite
  hi! link NERDTreeExecFile SrceryYellow
  hi! link NERDTreeUp SrceryOrange
  hi! link NERDTreeCWD SrceryGreen
  hi! link NERDTreeHelp SrceryCyan
  hi! link NERDTreeFlags SrceryCyan
  hi! link NERDTreeLinkFile SrceryBrightBlack
  hi! link NERDTreeLinkTarget SrceryBrightBlack

" }}}
" Telescope: "{{{

if exists('g:loaded_telescope')
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('TelescopeNormal', s:white, s:none)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('TelescopeSelection', s:green, s:none, s:bold)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('TelescopeMatching', s:magenta)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('TelescopeSelectionCaret', s:magenta)
  call srcery#helper#Highlight('TelescopePromptPrefix', s:bright_yellow)

" }}}
" nvim: {{{

if has('nvim')

  " nvim-treesitter: {{{

  if exists('g:loaded_nvim_treesitter')
    " This is deprecated in new nvim releases
    call srcery#helper#Highlight('TSStrong', s:none, s:none, s:bold)
    call srcery#helper#Highlight('TSEmphasis', s:none, s:none, s:bold)
    call srcery#helper#Highlight('TSUnderline', s:none, s:none, s:underline)

    highlight! link TSWarning SrceryOrangeBold
    highlight! link TSDanger SrceryRedBold
    highlight! link TSConstBuiltin SrceryCyan
    highlight! link TSField SrceryGreen
    highlight! link TSFuncBuiltin SrceryYellow
    highlight! link TSFuncMacro SrceryOrange
    highlight! link TSFunction SrceryYellow
    call srcery#helper#Highlight('TSNamespace', s:white, s:none, s:italic)
    call srcery#helper#Highlight('TSParameter', s:cyan, s:none, s:italic)
    highlight! link TSProperty SrceryBrightBlue
    highlight! link TSSymbol SrceryBlue
    highlight! link TSTag SrceryBlue
    highlight! link TSTagAttribute SrceryYellow
    highlight! link TSVariableBuiltin SrceryCyan
    highlight! link TSType SrceryWhite
    highlight! link TSDelimiter SrceryWhite
    highlight! link TSURI SrceryGreen
    highlight! link TSVariable SrceryBrightWhite

    if has('nvim-0.8')
      " TODO: Implement new nvim syntax
      " Example could be taken from:

  " }}}

" }}}

" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0: