diff vendor/vim-packs/srcery-vim/doc/srcery.txt @ 704:1e0f578f6752

Update vendor and add support for vim packs
author nanaya <me@nanaya.net>
date Sun, 18 Dec 2022 20:06:46 +0900
children 78469331407e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vendor/vim-packs/srcery-vim/doc/srcery.txt	Sun Dec 18 20:06:46 2022 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+*srcery.txt* Color scheme with clearly defined contrasting colors	*srcery*
+	   and a slightly earthy tone.
+Version:   1.0.0
+Author:    Daniel Berg <mail@roosta.sh>
+	w/ contributers
+License:   MIT license
+CONTENTS						*srcery-contents*
+Introduction				|srcery-introduction|
+Installation 				|srcery-installation|
+	Vim 8 				|srcery-install-vim8|
+	Dein 				|srcery-install-dein|
+	Pathogen 			|srcery-install-pathogen|
+	Plug 				|srcery-install-plug|
+Color Table 				|srcery-color-table|
+Options					|srcery-options|
+	g:srcery_[color] 		|srcery-option-color|
+	g:srcery_bold 			|srcery-option-bold|
+	g:srcery_italic 		|srcery-option-italic|
+	g:srcery_underline 		|srcery-option-underline|
+	g:srcery_undercurl 		|srcery-option-undercurl|
+	g:srcery_inverse 		|srcery-option-inverse|
+	g:srcery_inverse_matche 	|srcery-option-inverse-matches|
+	g:srcery_inverse_match_paren 	|srcery-option-inverse-match-paren|
+	g:srcery_dim_lisp_paren 	|srcery-option-dim-lisp-paren|
+	g:srcery_bg_passthrough 	|srcery-option-bg-passthrough|
+	g:srcery_guisp_fallback 	|srcery-option-guisp-fallback|
+	g:srcery_italic_types 		|srcery-option-italic-types|
+	g:srcery_hard_black_terminal_bg |srcery-option-hard-black-terminal-bg|
+INTRODUCTION 						   *srcery-introduction*
+Created using colors that logically adheres to the 16 color base palette of a
+given terminal, while trying to retain its own identity. The colors are
+designed to be easy on the eyes yet contrast well with the background for long
+sessions using an editor or terminal emulator.
+INSTALLATION						   *srcery-installation*
+Put srcery.vim in `~/.vim/colors/` (on unix-like systems) or
+`%userprofile%\vimfiles\colors\` (on Windows).
+							   *srcery-install-vim8*
+Vim 8 has native support for loading plugins. All you need to do to is to
+clone this repository into `~/.vim/plug/default/opt`.
+	git clone https://github.com/srcery-colors/srcery-vim \
+		~/.vim/plug/default/opt
+The same works for Neovim, but you have to clone it into a path where Neovim
+can find it.
+	git clone https://github.com/srcery-colors/srcery-vim \
+		~/.config/nvim/plug/default/opt
+							   *srcery-install-dein*
+	call dein#add('srcery-colors/srcery-vim')
+						       *srcery-install-pathogen*
+	cd ~/.vim/bundle
+	git clone https://github.com/srcery-colors/srcery-vim
+							   *srcery-install-plug*
+	Plug 'srcery-colors/srcery-vim'
+COLOR TABLE						    *srcery-color-table*
+| termcol       | nr | var                       | hex     | rgb           |
+| ------------- | -- | ------------------------- | ------- | ------------- |
+| black         | 0  | g:srcery_black            | #1c1b19 | 28,  27,  25  |
+| red           | 1  | g:srcery_red              | #ef2f27 | 239, 47, 39   |
+| green         | 2  | g:srcery_green         	 | #519f50 | 81,  159, 80  |
+| yellow        | 3  | g:srcery_yellow        	 | #fbb829 | 251, 184, 41  |
+| blue          | 4  | g:srcery_blue          	 | #2c78bf | 44, 120, 191  |
+| magenta       | 5  | g:srcery_magenta       	 | #e02c6d | 224, 44,  109 |
+| cyan          | 6  | g:srcery_cyan          	 | #0aaeb3 | 10, 174, 179  |
+| white         | 7  | g:srcery_white         	 | #baa67f | 186, 166, 127 |
+| brightblack   | 8  | g:srcery_bright_black  	 | #918175 | 145, 129, 117 |
+| brightred     | 9  | g:srcery_bright_red    	 | #f75341 | 247, 83, 65   |
+| brightgreen   | 10 | g:srcery_bright_green  	 | #98bc37 | 152, 188, 55  |
+| brightyellow  | 11 | g:srcery_bright_yellow 	 | #fed06e | 254, 208, 110 |
+| brightblue    | 12 | g:srcery_bright_blue   	 | #68a8e4 | 104, 168, 228 |
+| brightmagenta | 13 | g:srcery_bright_magenta	 | #ff5c8f | 255, 92, 143  |
+| brightcyan    | 14 | g:srcery_bright_cyan   	 | #2be4d0 | 43, 228, 208  |
+| brightwhite   | 15 | g:srcery_bright_white  	 | #fce8c3 | 252, 232, 195 |
+Additionally Srcery uses some xterm 256 colors to pad out the color selection,
+no extra configuration needed.
+| NAME          | NR  | VAR                    | HEX     | RGB         |
+| ------------- | --- | ---------------------- | ------- | ----------- |
+| orange        | 202 | g:srcery_orange        | #FF5F00 | 255, 95, 0  |
+| bright_orange | 208 | g:srcery_bright_orange | #FF8700 | 255, 135, 0 |
+| hard_black    | 233 | g:srcery_hard_black    | #121212 | 18, 18, 18  |
+| xgray1        | 235 | g:srcery_xgray1        | #262626 | 38, 38, 38  |
+| xgray2        | 236 | g:srcery_xgray2        | #303030 | 48, 48, 48  |
+| xgray3        | 237 | g:srcery_xgray3        | #3A3A3A | 58, 58, 58  |
+| xgray4        | 238 | g:srcery_xgray4        | #444444 | 68, 68, 68  |
+| xgray5        | 239 | g:srcery_xgray5        | #4E4E4E | 78, 78, 78  |
+| xgray6        | 240 | g:srcery_xgray6        | #585858 | 88, 88, 88  |
+OPTIONS								*srcery-options*
+Srcery includes a few toggles due to discrepancies in the various setups
+possible. To change any of these you’d put something like this in your .vimrc:
+	let g:srcery_italic = 1
+Make sure that you set these variables before assigning colorscheme.
+g:srcery_[color] 					   *srcery-option-color*
+You can customize each of Srcery’s colors, to customize say the red color:
+	let g:srcery_red = '#FF0000'
+Refer to the |srcery-color-table| for a full list of color variables, hexes
+and more.
+							    *srcery-option-bold*
+	Enables bold text.
+	Default: 1
+							  *srcery-option-italic*
+	Enables italic text.
+	Default: gui 1, term 0
+						       *srcery-option-underline*
+	Enables underlined text.
+	Default: 1
+						       *srcery-option-undercurl*
+	Enables undercurled text.
+	Default: 1
+							 *srcery-option-inverse*
+	Enable or disable inverse highlighting (foreground becomes background,
+	vice versa). This is used for visual selection, search highlights and
+	some other things.
+	Srcery will fall back to other methods of highlighting if this is
+	disabled.
+	Default: 1
+						 *srcery-option-inverse-matches*
+	Highlight search matches using inverse colors.
+	Default: 0
+					     *srcery-option-inverse-match-paren*
+	When enabled will highlight matching delimiters using inverse colors.
+	(`:DoMatchParen`)
+	Works best with Rainbow parenthesis.
+	Default: 0
+					 	  *srcery-option-dim-lisp-paren*
+	Dims lisp dialects delimiters to a fairly dark gray (xgray5
+	specifically).
+	Default: 0
+						  *srcery-option-bg-passthrough*
+	Lets the terminal control the background color in Vim by setting the
+	background NONE.
+	A possible use case for this could be you want to manipulate the
+	background color in the terminal, and let the results bubble up to
+	Vim.
+	Default: 0
+ 						  *srcery-option-guisp-fallback*
+	Sets up alternate highlighting for colored underline/undercurl. Some
+	environments are unable to color underline, so this setting will set
+	either the background or foreground to whatever color the underline is
+	supposed to be.
+	This comes in handy if colored underline doesn’t work, or underline is
+	disabled entirely.
+	Default: `NONE`
+	Possible Values: `fg`, `bg`
+						    *srcery-option-italic-types*
+	Italicize types if italic is enabled.
+	Default: 0
+					  *srcery-option-hard-black-terminal-bg*
+	If enabled, will set the terminal background in vim to hard black.
+	Note that this currently only works in Vim, not Neovim.
+	Default: 1
+vim: tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen:noet :